French Boy Names – 200+ Classic & Creative Ideas You’ll Love

Are you searching for a name that sounds charming and elegant, like the language of love? French boy names have a unique allure, ranging from classic ones like Charles and Louis to more uncommon choices such as Blaise or Remy. Rooted in history, literature, and nature, these names reflect French culture’s artistic finesse and romantic essence.

Whether you prefer traditional names with a royal touch, like Louis and Hugh, or are interested in names inspired by nature, the world of French boy names offers a wide range of options. From timeless classics to trendy modern names, there’s something for everyone.

Our collection includes names that pay homage to French monarchs, represent the beauty of the natural world, and blend with modern trends. Whether you appreciate the historical charm or the contemporary flair, explore the diverse world of French names to find the perfect one for your little one.

You can also explore other exciting ideas like African American Girl Names, Tough Boy Names, One-Syllable Girl Names, and Fantasy Female Names if you love these French-inspired names.

French Boy Names And Meanings

French Boy Names And Meanings

  1. Adrien – Dark, black
  2. Alexandre – Defender of the people
  3. Anatole – East or sunrise
  4. Antonin – Priceless or inestimable
  5. Arthur – Bear-like or noble
  6. Baptiste – Baptist, one who baptizes
  7. Bastien – Revered or man of honor
  8. Camille – Attendant at a religious service
  9. Cedric – Kind and loved
  10. Clement – Mild or merciful
  11. Damien – To tame or subdue
  12. Dorian – Of the sea or gift
  13. Elie – The Lord is my God
  14. Emeric – Work ruler
  15. Evan – Young warrior
  16. Felix – Happy or fortunate
  17. Florent – Flourishing or prosperous
  18. Florian – Flowering or flourishing
  19. Gabriel – God is my strength
  20. Gael – Generous and noble
  21. Gaspard – Treasure bearer
  22. Henri – Ruler of the household
  23. Herve – Army warrior
  24. Hugo – Bright in mind and spirit
  25. Isidore – Gift of Isis (an Egyptian goddess)
  26. Ivan – God is gracious
  27. Jacques – Supplanter or one who takes the place of another
  28. Jules – Youthful
  29. Justin – Just or fair
  30. Killian – Small and fierce
  31. Lancelot – Servant or devotee of the lake (Arthurian legend)
  32. Leon – Lion
  33. Louis – Famous warrior
  34. Mael – Chief or prince
  35. Mathis – Gift of God
  36. Maxime – Greatest or the best
  37. Nicolas – Victory of the people
  38. Octave – Eighth
  39. Olivier – Olive tree
  40. Pascal – Easter-related, born on Easter
  41. Pierre – Rock or stone
  42. Quentin – Fifth
  43. Remi – Oarsman or remedy
  44. Sacha – Defender of the people
  45. Theo – Gift of God
  46. Valentin – Strong, vigorous, healthy
  47. Wilfried – Desiring peace
  48. Xavier – Bright, splendid
  49. Yannick – God is gracious
  50. Zacharie – Remembered by God

Cool French Male Names

Cool French Male Names

  1. Alain – Handsome or bright
  2. Alban – White, bright, or fair
  3. Anatole – East or sunrise
  4. Armand – Army man or soldier
  5. Aubin – White, bright, or fair
  6. Beranger – Bear-spear
  7. Celestin – Heavenly or celestial
  8. Corentin – Hurricane or tempest
  9. Cyprien – From Cyprus, the island of copper
  10. Cyril – Lordly or masterful
  11. Eloi – Chosen one
  12. Emeric – Work ruler
  13. Eudore – Good gift
  14. Floris – Flower or blossom
  15. Gabin – God is my strength
  16. Gauthier – Army ruler
  17. Geraud – Spear rule
  18. Gregoire – Vigilant or watchful
  19. Jocelyn – Gaut’s son
  20. Landry – Ruler
  21. Lazare – God is my help
  22. Leandre – Lion-like man
  23. Leo – Lion
  24. Luc – Light or illumination
  25. Lysandre – Liberator of a man
  26. Marius – Male, manly
  27. Maxence – Greatest
  28. Melchior – City of the king
  29. Noe – Rest or comfort
  30. Ocean – Ocean
  31. Octavien – Eighth
  32. Remy – Oarsman or remedy
  33. Rene – Reborn or born again
  34. Rodolphe – Famous wolf
  35. Silvain – Wood, forest
  36. Solal – Peaceful
  37. Tancrede – Thought and advice
  38. Tanguy – Fighter or warrior
  39. Theophile – Lover of God
  40. Theron – Hunter
  41. Thibaut – Brave or bold
  42. Timothee – Honoring God
  43. Tristan – Tumult or outcry
  44. Valere – Strong, healthy, or vigorous

Creative Male French Names

Creative Male French Names

  1. Aether – Upper sky or heaven in Greek mythology
  2. Amadeus – Love of God
  3. Ambroise – Immortal
  4. Amethyste – Amethyst, a purple gemstone
  5. Artisan – Skilled craftsman
  6. Astral – Relating to stars or celestial bodies
  7. Aurore – Dawn
  8. Avalon – Mythical island in Arthurian legend
  9. Avenir – Future
  10. Azur – Azure or sky-blue
  11. Bravoure – Bravery
  12. Brume – Mist or haze
  13. Calibre – Quality or class
  14. Calliope – Beautiful voice in Greek mythology
  15. Cascade – Waterfall
  16. Celeste – Heavenly or celestial
  17. Ciel – Sky or Heaven
  18. Cygne – Swan
  19. Eclat – Brilliance or splendor
  20. Elysee – Blissful or heavenly
  21. Enigme – Enigma or puzzle
  22. Ephemere – Ephemeral or fleeting
  23. Escapade – Adventure or escapade
  24. Esprit – Spirit or mind
  25. Etoile – Star
  26. Fauve – Wild beast or fawn-colored
  27. Feerique – Enchanting or magical
  28. Harmonie – Harmony
  29. Helios – Sun in Greek mythology
  30. Labyrinthe – Labyrinth or maze

French Man Names

French Man Names

  1. Alain – Handsome or bright
  2. Andre – Manly or brave
  3. Arnaud – Eagle or powerful
  4. Auguste – Majestic or venerable
  5. Bernard – Brave bear
  6. Christophe – Christ-bearer
  7. Cyrille – Lordly or masterful
  8. Denis – Follower of Dionysius (Greek god of wine)
  9. Didier – Desirable or longed for
  10. Dorian – Of the sea or gift
  11. Emile – Industrious or hardworking
  12. Fabien – Bean grower
  13. Francois – Freeman
  14. Gaspard – Treasure bearer
  15. Gerald – Rule of the spear
  16. Gerard – Brave spear
  17. Gilbert – Bright pledge
  18. Guillaume – Resolute protection
  19. Jerome – Holy name
  20. Julien – Youthful or downy-bearded
  21. Laurent – Laurel tree or crowned with laurels
  22. Lionel – Lion-like
  23. Lucien – Light or illumination
  24. Marcelin – Little warrior
  25. Marcel – Little warrior
  26. Maurice – Dark-skinned or Moorish
  27. Noel – Christmas or born on Christmas day
  28. Raoul – Wolf counsel
  29. Raymond – Wise protector
  30. Remy – Oarsman or remedy
  31. Reynard – Wise and strong
  32. Thierry – Powerful ruler
  33. Victor – Conqueror or winner
  34. Xavier – Bright, splendid

French Guy Names

French Guy Names

  1. Eudore – Good gift
  2. Gabin – God is my strength
  3. Geraud – Spear rule
  4. Jules – Youthful
  5. Lumiere – Light
  6. Mirage – Optical illusion
  7. Mystere – Mystery
  8. Nimbus – Cloud
  9. Nuit – Night
  10. Obscur – Dark or obscure
  11. Ombre – Shadow
  12. Rafale – Gust of wind or burst
  13. Remi – Oarsman or remedy
  14. Reveur – Dreamer
  15. Romain – A citizen of Rome
  16. Saphir – Sapphire
  17. Serenite – Serenity or calmness
  18. Solstice – Time of the sun’s highest point
  19. Torrent – Rapid stream of water
  20. Valentin – Strong, vigorous, healthy
  21. Valiant – Brave and courageous
  22. Veloce – Swift or fast
  23. Zenith – The point in the sky directly above

French Warrior Names

French Warrior Names

  1. Alaric – Ruler of all
  2. Aloysius – Famous warrior
  3. Amaury – Work ruler
  4. Armel – Bear Prince
  5. Arnou – Eagle wolf
  6. Audric – Old and wise ruler
  7. Bertrand – Bright raven
  8. Emeric – Work ruler
  9. Eudes – Wealth or prosperity in battle
  10. Gauvain – Hawk of Battle
  11. Geoffroi – God’s peace
  12. Hugues – Heart, mind, spirit
  13. Lancelot – Servant or devotee of the lake (Arthurian legend)
  14. Renard – Strong decision or brave counsel
  15. Roland – Famous throughout the land
  16. Tancrede – Thought and advice
  17. Thibault – Bold people or brave
  18. Tristan – Tumult or outcry

Unique French Boy Names

Unique French Boy Names

  1. Avenir – Future
  2. Caelan – Powerful warrior
  3. Celestin – Heavenly or celestial
  4. Cyprien – From Cyprus, the island of copper
  5. Eloi – Chosen one
  6. Eustache – Fruitful or abundant harvest
  7. Evrard – Strong boar
  8. Florentin – Flourishing or prosperous
  9. Isabeau – God is my oath
  10. Ludovic – Famous in war
  11. Melchior – City of the king
  12. Terence – Tender or gracious
  13. Theophile – Lover of God
  14. Thibaud – Bold people or brave
  15. Valerian – Strong, vigorous, or powerful

Wrap Up

Choosing a name for your baby is a special journey, and exploring French boy names adds a touch of charm and elegance. We have shared ideas that connect with the regal past or celebrate the beauty of the world around us. We hope these suggestions spark excitement and help you find the perfect name for your little one.

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