Kindergarten Homeschool Schedule – Schooling & Unschooling

Homeschooling is a way for children to learn at home instead of attending traditional schools. Parents or guardians take on the role of teachers, creating lesson plans and guiding their children’s education. It’s legal in many places, including the United States, as long as certain requirements are met, such as notifying the appropriate authorities or following state regulations.

Homeschooling allows families to personalize their child’s education, catering to their interests and learning styles. It can provide flexibility, individual attention, and a supportive environment for children to thrive academically and personally.

You can learn unschooling vs homeschooling with us.

How Do I Organize My Homeschool Schedule

How Do I Organize My Homeschool Schedule?

Organizing your homeschool schedule can seem daunting, but with careful planning, you can create a structured and effective routine for your family. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Set Learning Goals

Identify the key focus areas for your child’s education, such as literacy, math, science, and social studies. Tailor these goals to your child’s interests, abilities, and grade level.

Establish a Daily Routine

Designate specific times for activities throughout the day, such as morning circle time, academic lessons, snack breaks, and outdoor play. Creating a consistent schedule helps children know what to expect and promotes stability.

Create a Weekly Plan

Outline the subjects or topics you’ll cover each day of the week. Consider alternating between core subjects and enrichment activities, such as art, music, or physical education.

Use Visual Aids

Consider creating a visual schedule using a whiteboard, poster, or digital calendar to help your child understand and follow the daily routine. Include pictures or icons for non-readers to identify each activity quickly.

Prioritize Flexibility

While having a structured schedule is essential, be prepared to adapt and adjust as needed. Some days may not go according to plan, and that’s okay. Embrace the flexibility of homeschooling to accommodate your child’s individual needs and interests.

Incorporate Breaks

Remember to include regular breaks throughout the day to allow your child to rest, recharge, and engage in unstructured play. Breaks are essential for maintaining focus and preventing burnout.

Evaluate and Adjust

Review your homeschool schedule to assess what’s working well and needs improvement. Be open to making changes based on your child’s progress, interests, and feedback.

How Do You Make A Homeschool Rhythm?

Creating a homeschool rhythm involves establishing a flexible, structured routine while accommodating your family’s unique needs and interests. Here’s how to make a homeschool rhythm:

Establish Consistent Wake-Up and Bedtimes

Set regular wake-up and bedtime routines to provide structure and ensure everyone starts the day feeling refreshed and ready to learn.

Designate Learning Spaces

Create dedicated learning areas within your home where children can focus on their studies without distractions. Depending on your available resources, this could be a designated room, corner of a room, or even outdoor space.

Plan Daily Activities

Outline a daily schedule that includes time for academic lessons, creative activities, outdoor play, and breaks. Consider incorporating a mix of subjects and activities to keep learning engaging and varied.

Incorporate Routines

Integrate daily rituals into your homeschool rhythm, such as morning circle time, read-aloud sessions, or family meals. Routines help children feel secure and provide a sense of predictability throughout the day.

Encourage Independence

Foster independence by empowering children to take ownership of their learning. Provide age-appropriate tasks and responsibilities, such as choosing activities, setting goals, and managing their time.

Prioritize Connection and Well-Being

Make time for meaningful interactions and connections as a family. Incorporate activities that promote emotional well-being, such as mindfulness exercises, nature walks, or creative expression.

Kindergarten Homeschool Schedule Examples

Kindergarten Homeschool Schedule Examples

Here’s an example of a kindergarten homeschool schedule to help guide your day:


8:30 AM – Wake Up and Breakfast: Start the day with a nutritious meal together as a family.

9:00 AM – Morning Circle Time: Gather for a brief circle time to sing songs, recite poems, and discuss the day’s activities.

9:15 AM – Literacy Activities: Focus on literacy skills such as reading, storytelling, letter recognition, and writing practice.

10:00 AM – Snack Break: Take a short break for a healthy snack and some time to recharge.


10:30 AM – Math Activities: Engage in hands-on math activities such as counting, sorting, and simple addition or subtraction.

11:15 AM – Outdoor Play: Head outside for some fresh air and physical activity. Encourage exploration, gross motor skills development, and imaginative play.


12:00 PM – Lunch Time: Enjoy a nutritious lunch together as a family.

1:00 PM – Science or Art: Explore science concepts through simple experiments or dive into creative art projects.

2:00 PM – Quiet Time: Wind down with a quiet activity such as reading books, listening to music, or napping.

Late Afternoon

3:00 PM – Free Play: Allow your child to engage in unstructured playtime independently or with siblings.

4:00 PM – Review and Reflection: Review the day’s activities and accomplishments, and discuss any highlights or challenges.

4:30 PM – Outdoor Exploration: Take a nature walk, visit a local park, or engage in sensory activities outdoors.


5:30 PM – Dinner Preparation: Involve your child in meal preparation and cooking activities.

6:30 PM – Family Time: Spend quality time together as a family, engaging in games, storytelling, or other bonding activities.

8:00 PM – Bedtime Routine: Begin winding down for the evening with a calming bedtime routine, including bath time, reading bedtime stories, and snuggling before lights out.

Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum Christian

For Christian families homeschooling their kindergarteners, incorporating faith-based curriculum can be both enriching and fulfilling. Here’s a sample Christian kindergarten homeschool curriculum:

Bible Study

  • Begin each day with a Bible study session, focusing on age-appropriate stories and teachings from the Bible. Use resources such as “The Beginner’s Bible” or “My First Hands-On Bible” for engaging lessons.
  • Explore foundational Christian concepts such as God’s love, creation, Noah’s Ark, Jesus’ teachings, and the importance of prayer.

Language Arts

  • Integrate Bible stories into language arts activities, such as reading comprehension exercises, storytelling, and writing practice.
  • Use Christian-themed literature and books with moral lessons to teach phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.


  • Incorporate biblical principles into math lessons, such as counting blessings, learning about shapes and patterns found in nature, and exploring the concept of stewardship through basic addition and subtraction activities.
  • Use math manipulatives like counting bears or blocks to reinforce numerical concepts while incorporating Christian themes.


  • Explore God’s creation through science lessons, focusing on topics like animals, plants, weather, and the environment.
  • Discuss the importance of caring for God’s creation and being good stewards of the Earth.

Social Studies

  • Teach social studies concepts through a Christian worldview, emphasizing values such as kindness, empathy, and community.
  • Explore Bible stories and historical figures who exemplify these virtues, such as Joseph, Ruth, or the Good Samaritan.

Arts and Crafts

  • Incorporate Christian-themed arts and crafts projects, such as making prayer journals, creating artwork inspired by Bible stories, or crafting decorations for Christian holidays like Christmas or Easter.

Music and Movement

  • Sing Christian songs and hymns together as a family, incorporating movement and dance.
  • Learn about worship through music, exploring different musical instruments mentioned in the Bible and their significance.

Physical Education

  • Encourage physical activity with outdoor playtime, nature walks, and simple exercises that promote health and well-being.
  • Teach the importance of honoring God with our bodies by taking care of ourselves through exercise and healthy habits.

Character Development

  • Emphasize character development through daily lessons on virtues such as love, kindness, honesty, and forgiveness.
  • Use Bible stories and examples of biblical characters to illustrate these virtues in action.


How do I organize my kids homeschool books?

Organize homeschool books by subject or grade level using labeled shelves or bins. Keep frequently used books accessible and rotate materials as needed. Maintain order with bookends, baskets, or bins, and designate a study area for easy access. Regularly declutter and reorganize to optimize space and efficiency.

How many hours are required for homeschooling?

Homeschooling typically requires 3 to 4 hours per day, totaling around 600 to 800 hours per year, but can vary based on state regulations and individual preferences.

How do you organize a home lesson?

Organize a home lesson by setting clear objectives, gathering necessary materials, creating a structured plan, and incorporating interactive and engaging activities to facilitate learning.

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