Names That Mean Snake – List Of Serpents For Girls And Boys

Ancient civilizations, like the Egyptians and Greeks, often viewed snakes as powerful symbols. In their myths and stories, serpents represented both danger and wisdom. The Egyptians associated snakes with protection and transformation, showcasing skin shedding as a metaphor for renewal.

In Greek mythology, snakes were linked to deities like Asclepius, the god of healing, who used a serpent-entwined staff as a symbol. Snakes with diverse meanings also appear in religious texts like the Bible.

Snakes sometimes represent temptation, while in other cultures, they symbolize rebirth and spiritual awakening. These ancient beliefs continue to influence how we perceive and name things, including individuals with names that mean snake.

Snake is a symbol of power and if you want to associate your personality with dominancy, then names that mean snake are the best choice. But on the contrary, if you have a strong personality and you want to choose a Strong Girl Name, then we recommend you to choose from given list.

Cultural Snake-Related Names

Cultural Snake-Related Names

Here are 20 snake-related names from various cultures, along with their historical associations:

Japanese Snake-Related Names

1. Orochi – From Japanese mythology, a giant serpent.

2. Hebi – Meaning “snake” in Japanese.

3. Ayakashi – Refers to supernatural creatures, including serpents.

4. Manda – A serpent appearing in Japanese fiction and folklore.

5. Yamata – Inspired by the Yamata no Orochi serpent.

Indian Snake-Related Names

1. Nagendra – Meaning “Lord of Snakes” in Sanskrit.

2. Vasuki – A prominent snake deity in Hindu mythology.

3. Ananta – Referring to the endless or infinite, often associated with a serpent.

4. Nagaresha – Combining “Naga” (serpent) and “Isha” (lord).

5. Padmanabha – Lord Vishnu, often depicted with a serpent.

Greek Snake-Related Names

1. Python – In Greek mythology, a serpent killed by Apollo.

2. Ophion – A primordial snake deity in some Greek traditions.

3. Draco – From the constellation and a Latin word for serpent.

4. Echidna – A half-woman, half-serpent creature in Greek mythology.

5. Lamia – A mythical monster often depicted with a serpent’s tail.

Egyptian Snake-Related Names

1. Apep – A serpent deity representing chaos in Egyptian mythology.

2. Wadjet – The serpent goddess, associated with protection.

3. Meretseger – A cobra goddess linked to the Valley of the Kings.

4. Nehebkau – A deity with the body of a man and the head of a snake.

5. Uraeus – The stylized upright cobra symbol, a protective emblem.

Chinese Snake-Related Names

1. Sheen – Meaning “snake” in Chinese.

2. Qinglong – The Azure Dragon, often associated with serpentine imagery.

3. Jiaolong – A dragon or serpent from Chinese mythology.

4. Hong – Meaning “snake” or “red” in Chinese.

5. Fuxi – A legendary figure in Chinese mythology often depicted with snakes.

What Are The Nordic Names For Snakes?

In Nordic mythology, snakes weren’t as prominently featured as in some other cultures, but a few names are associated with serpents or dragons. Here are some Nordic-inspired names with historical associations or meanings:

1. Jormungandr – Known as the Midgard Serpent, a giant sea serpent that encircles the world in Norse mythology.

2. Fafnir – A dragon in Norse mythology who guards a hoard of treasure. Fafnir is a symbol of greed and the destructive nature of wealth.

3. Nidhogg – A dragon or serpent that gnaws at the roots of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, in Norse cosmology. Nidhogg is often associated with chaos.

4. Ormarr – A name that combines “ormr” (Old Norse for serpent) with “arr” (warrior), meaning serpent warrior.

5. Gorm – Meaning “serpent” or “dragon” in Old Norse, this name has historical ties to several Danish kings.

6. Miðgarðsormr – Another term for Jormungandr, emphasizing its connection to Midgard, the world of humans.

7. Lindorm – A legendary dragon or serpent in Scandinavian folklore, often depicted as a wingless dragon.

8. Slyngorm – Combining “slynge” (coil) with “ormr,” suggesting a coiled or winding serpent.

9. Draugr – While not directly meaning serpent, “draugr” refers to undead creatures in Norse mythology, sometimes associated with serpent-like features.

10. Hafgufa – A sea monster mentioned in some Old Norse sagas, possibly with serpent-like characteristics.

20 Cool Names Meaning Snake Or Serpents

Here’s a list of 20 cool names meaning snake, each with a brief description of its origin and a connection to the serpent:


  • Origin: Sanskrit
  • Meaning: Forest or snake; a name representing both nature and serpentine qualities.


  • Origin: Telugu
  • Meaning: Lord of snakes; a powerful and regal name with serpent connections.


  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Serpent; a unique and bold name inspired by the Latin word for snake.


  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Snake; a short and impactful name with a biblical touch.


  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Dragon or serpent; a strong and mythical name.


  • Origin: Sanskrit
  • Meaning: Female serpent; a name with a touch of mystery and elegance.


  • Origin: Fictional (Harry Potter)
  • Meaning: Cunning and ambitious; a name associated with serpents in the wizarding world.


  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Water serpent; a powerful and multifaceted serpent from Greek mythology.


  • Origin: Sanskrit
  • Meaning: Serpent; a short and sweet name with deep cultural roots.


  • Origin: Hindi
  • Meaning: A type of venomous snake; a unique and edgy choice.


  • Origin: Norse
  • Meaning: Dreaded striker; a name associated with the dragon serpent Nidhogg from Norse mythology.


  • Origin: Choctaw (Native American)
  • Meaning: Wolf; a name that symbolizes both snake-like cunning and wolf-like strength.


  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Serpent; a short and striking name inspired by Greek mythology.


  • Origin: Aztec
  • Meaning: Feathered serpent; a majestic and unique name from Aztec mythology.


  • Origin: Egyptian
  • Meaning: Goddess of wisdom; a name associated with a serpent goddess in Egyptian mythology.


  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Snake; a powerful and mythical name inspired by the monstrous serpent slain by Apollo.


  • Origin: Sanskrit
  • Meaning: One with the form of a snake; a name with deep cultural significance.


  • Origin: Portuguese
  • Meaning: Serpent; a straightforward and strong name.


  • Origin: Indigenous South American
  • Meaning: Giant serpent; a name inspired by the powerful snake species.


  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Poisonous substance; a strong and edgy name with a snake-inspired twist.

What Is The Korean Name For Snakes? – List of 10

What Is The Korean Name For Snakes

In Korean, the word for snake is “뱀” (pronounced as “baem”). While it’s not common to have names specifically meaning “snake,” here are 10 Korean names inspired by the concept of snakes along with their meanings:

Yujeong (유정)

  • Meaning: Graceful and elegant like a serpent.

Heesoo (희수)

  • Meaning: Radiant and charming, embodying the allure of a snake.

Seokjin (석진)

  • Meaning: Symbolizing resilience and strength, akin to a snake shedding its skin.

Miyoung (미영)

  • Meaning: Beautiful and enchanting, capturing the mystique of a snake.

Byung-Ho (병호)

  • Meaning: Representing a strong and protective spirit, reminiscent of a guardian snake.

Jisoo (지수)

  • Meaning: Gentle and pure, mirroring the calm demeanor of a snake.

Seoyoon (서윤)

  • Meaning: Symbolizing mystery and depth, similar to the enigmatic nature of a serpent.

Haeun (하은)

  • Meaning: Graceful and peaceful, reflecting the calm movements of a snake.

Hwan (환)

  • Meaning: Radiant and bright, capturing the essence of a serpent basking in sunlight.

Boram (보람)

  • Meaning: Signifying beauty and charm, much like the elegance associated with snakes.

Final Words

The blog delves into historical, cultural, and linguistic dimensions of names meaning ‘snake.’ From ancient civilizations to modern influences, the journey spans Greek, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, and Nordic cultures. With each name offering a rich tapestry of meanings and associations, readers are invited to embrace the serpentine allure, whether inspired by mythology, folklore, or contemporary creativity.

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